Who is hiring, where and what are the in-demand skills ? 

We have analyzed the career websites of over 70 quant focused hedge funds and trading firms to answer that question. This report covers jobs posted during H1 2021 for:

  • Software Engineering 
  • Infrastructure 
  • Quant Dev 
  • Dev Ops 


tech summary page

Across the board, March saw an uptick in jobs posted. We suspect that correlates with bonuses being paid in Q1 and the inevitable turnover however demand across all functions remained pretty constant.


Average Closing Days

We measured the date a job was posted to when it was removed. This does not necessarily mean that every job that was removed was filled however it’s a pretty good indicator.


Average Closing


Top 10 Employers by new job postings

Millennium almost took a clean sweep as most active across all division however AQR narrowly edged them out in Quant Development. The same names appear across the different functions with Susquehanna hiring across all functions followed by Point 72, Worldquant, Tower and DRW.


top 10 employers



No real surprises here.


Posting by region


Keyword Analysis 


Software Engineering

software egineering key words



keyword infrastrcture


Quant Dev

keywords quant dev


Dev Ops

keyword dev ops 



The key theme across the functional areas from a  business perspective is that Crypto and Equities are getting the bulk of hiring attention. The other notable winner is Python, beating Java and C++ comfortably.